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Writer's pictureYesim Nicholson

Just tell me what to do

Recently a client said to me “just tell me what I should do”. 

I have to be honest that sometimes it is tempting to tell a client exactly what I think they should do. 

And I totally get why you might want someone to just tell you what to do. Many of us are experiencing decision fatigue. 

As (hopefully) fully-functioning adults our days are full to the brim with small and BIG decisions that we have to make. What should I wear? Blue socks or black socks? What breakfast should I have? Tea or coffee? Take the stairs or the lift? Go for the promotion at work, or stay put? Go for a walk at lunchtime, or work through? It’s endless, and can be tiring. So we can all be forgiven for wanting someone else to make some decisions for us every once in a while. 

BUT…the thing is coaching doesn’t really work that way. It doesn’t work that way for good reason.

Here's why:

1. Feel the POWER!: Working out what YOU want to do with the help of a coach is 100 times more exciting and empowering than someone simply telling you what to do. 

2. It’s all about YOU!: Everyone is unique, and there’s a very good chance that what works for one person won’t work for you. A coach helps you explore options tailored to your specific situation. Do you want to do something that’s right for YOU or someone else?

3. GROW!: By asking really insightful questions rather than just offering (biassed?!) answers, coaches encourage self-reflection and critical thinking. That can only lead to personal and professional growth.

4. OWN it!: A coach aims to make you more responsible for your actions and decisions. Telling you what to do removes the sense of ownership from you, which means you’re much less likely to follow through anyway.

5. We’re in this TOGETHER!: The coaching process is about collaboration and partnership. Rather than dictating solutions, a coach genuinely wants the best for you and will ask you brilliant questions to help you discover the best path forward for you. 

If you want someone to tell you what to do, ask your line manager, spouse, parent, clairvoyant or bossy friend.

If you want someone to be your biggest cheerleader, advocate, motivator and sounding board, find yourself a coach.

If you want to have a chat with me about how you can make changes to your work to make it more fun, meaningful and aligned with your values, drop me a line.  

Or start your journey to a more fulfilling career with my book ‘Ready to quit your job?’

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